Frisco b/y F-Units...

Discussion in 'General' started by TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020), Apr 30, 2010.

  1. TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020)

    TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020) Passed Away July 15, 2020 Supporter

    Has anyone tried to decorate a Frisco black & yellow freight diesel (F-3, F-7, FP-7, FA) with the Oddballs Decals' stripe set? Any luck? Results? Good, bad, so-so? What techniques did you use? How do you rate the decal set?

    Thanks, Tom
  2. FRISCO4503

    FRISCO4503 FRISCO4503 Supporter

    I have never done a F Unit. But I purchased Oddballs Frisco 4500 Meteor Decals and his decals are awesome! I used to rely on Micro-scale, but now that I have found Oddballs decals. I am hooked. His decals are accurate and easy to use. Plus the decal sets come with recommendations on the best way to apply them. After I purchased the Meteor set, I went through his online list like a bull in a china closet and had a hay day just ordering decals and making plans to purchase cars not manufactured in FRISCO livery in HO Scale. Now I have a closet full of projects to keep me busy on rainy days.|-|:)|-|:)|-|
  3. TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020)

    TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020) Passed Away July 15, 2020 Supporter

    I've had good luck with OB's lettering decals, but haven't ever used any ones with a lot of stripes.


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