dust prevention: how

Discussion in 'General' started by skyraider, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    My wife and I now live in West Texas. Dust is a major issue here. The room my layout will eventually be in is an enclosed carport. It's now a completely enclosed, drywalled and textured room, but it was not part of the original house. The HVAC for the room is a window unit. It has an exterior door.

    Dust is a major concern to me. Dust is a problem in the rest of the house, and I foresee that it will be even worse in this room.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to better seal the room to prevent dust? This is one of the reasons I haven't started the layout yet.


    Paul Moore
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  2. Ozarktraveler

    Ozarktraveler Member

    For dust suppression, medical grade door/window seals, positive ventilation if possible, hepa filters and/or static charge air purifiers.

    Limiting factors are cost.
    mountaincreekar likes this.
  3. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    The static charge filters sound the most reasonable.


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  4. gbnf

    gbnf Member

    Dust is somewhat like snow. The amount carried by the air increases with the speed of the air flow, and it drops out when it hits a barrier like a snow fence. Gummed foam insulation will help with the doors and windows, along with a sweep at the bottom of the door. Positive ventilation is provided by the A/C fan. Put a large furnace filter six to eight inches in front of the A/C. Consider angling it to direct the flow. When the air hits the filter, it will drop a lot of the larger dust particles. Power tools, including Dremels, make a lot of dust. Any work that can be done elsewhere will help. When you use a vacuum to remove dust and debris, the fan of the vacuum is stirring up the air. Bear in mind that any air circulation carries dust over the layout, where it will drop down as the flow slows. Any kind of structure over the layout, or baffles directing the air away from the layout will help, but very fine dust is still going to be a problem. Glassware on glass shelves inside a closed cabinet will collect a film of dust and oily residue. The best you can hope for is having to clean less often. Good luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 14, 2020
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  5. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter

    George has the physics right on dust and airflow. As he infers, drawing some well-filtered air from outside and pressurizing the space can help keep dust infiltration to a minimum.
    skyraider and Ozarktraveler like this.
  6. skyraider

    skyraider Member

    Keith and George,

    Thanks so much for the input. That is practical and I will see what I can do to incorporate as much as possible. The exterior door has a storm door in addition to the main door, but the sweep on the bottom is worn out. That can be replaced. I may also buy a free standing HEPA or static filter for the room. The biggest issue with those is the cost of filter replacement. The positive air pressure may be a bit difficult in this room.

    The plan is to do all of the benchwork cutting--and as much of the hole drilling as possible--outside or in the shop. That would eliminate a lot of the construction dust. There's an enormous walk in closet in the room (15' X 6' 8"). Much of what is in that room will be stored under the layout and hidden by skirts or some old corrugated roofing that will make the layout look more rural. I may be able to set up a modeling station in the closet so the dremel isn't running much in the layout room.

    Thanks much,

    mountaincreekar and gjslsffan like this.

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