(From the Frisco Employee's Magazine, 1925-cla) NEW FREIGHT SERVICE Add Fast Freight Train from St. Louis to Memphis, Sept. 7 [1925] "Advance 835" Accommodates Shipments from East in Record Time Effective Monday, September 7 the Frisco placed in service another fast freight train from St. Louis to Memphis. This train leaves St. Louis daily at noon, reaching Memphis the next morning at 3:00 o' clock, which is a saving of thirteen hours in comparison with present through service. The new train was put on to accommodate shipments from the East, as anything received in East St. Louis as late as 8:30 in the morning will reach this train by 11:00 a.m. in time to leave at 12:00 noon. A connection is made at Memphis with fast trains of roads radiating from that point and also with No. 135, Frisco fast freight operating to Birmingham, which results in a material saving over the present service to Birmingham and territory east, southeast and south. From the very start the train carried a maximum load, consisting of consignments of Ford cars from Detroit, and grain products. This new train is called "Advanced 835," as the regular freight train to Memphis, No. 835, leaves at 10:15 in the evening and arrives at 4:00 the next afternoon. This "Advance 835" places its load in Memphis and Birmingham for connecting lines a day earlier than the regular 835. The train has been given wide publicity and has attracted the attention of eastern shippers, and shippers in the territory west, north and northeast of St. Louis. Daily reports show it to be maintaining its fast schedule, and frequently arriving in Memphis an hour early.