Charlie, Would it not be a great "group project" to set up a standard "photo comments" template that lets anybody on the forum to add: (1) Photo Location, (2) approximate date, (3) train or assignment, (4) photographer, and (5) notes? And then publicize the project on the sticky file so that it becomes a long-term growing data base? Ken McElreath
Ken, I can't modify the MYSQL database as every time we upgrade the software it would requre special work. Great idea, but working within the limitations of the software, we would just need users to post that info here in the comments. If we acquire enough images, we could set up external software, such as Gallery, outside of the forum software and that would be possible. Charlie
Looks like the Ft. Smith Roundhouse? I've always wondered why/how the Ft. Smith roundhouse survived well past the advent of the Consolidated Mechanical Shops, when others such as Chaffee, MO disappeared. Best Regards,
Yes, this is Ft. Smith. A.W. told me that he knew they would not be using the old roundhouse anymore for locomotive servicing, so he requested to take the 730/731 lineup and break it apart to fill the stalls. I'm glad he took the time and trouble to give the old structure one more day of glory. A few years after this ca. 1978 photo, the BN tore it down.