Investors' Special Inspection Train, July 12–14, 1955

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Trains' started by Karl, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    Between 1947 and 1954, the Frisco spent $51,164,133 on Roadway investments and $104,809,842 on Equipment investments. Consequently, the road wanted to show its investors what they had gotten for their money. From July 12 through July 14, this group of men and one woman toured the Frisco. They traveled from St. Louis to Kansas City, then to Tulsa for a big dinner at the Southern Hills Country Club, and then to Birmingham, where the tour concluded.

    Representatives from banks, investment houses, and insurance companies from all over the US and Canada were represented. There are several names among the Frisco officers that are familiar to me. While attending Frisco family sorts of functions, my father introduced me to Menk, Pomphrey, and Gilliland.

    The only direct evidence that I have related to the consist is that seven Pullmans handled the investors. Everything else is pure supposition. Given the room assignments, the cars don’t appear to be the Frisco 14-4 sleeper cars, and they may have been leased from other sources.

    The large number of Frisco brass that attended, imply that all 10 of the Frisco business cars, with 2-3 staterooms per car, were used on the train. Although not listed in the “manual”, it’s possible that one or two diner lounges, were in the train. On the other hand, it’s also possible that the brass used each business car to entertain a specified group of guests with the food and libation, so diner-lounges may not have been necessary. Most Frisco business cars could handle 6-8 people in the dining room, and an equal number in the observation room.

    It’s also possible that one or two baggage cars were added to handle luggage and supplies, and then throw in another Pullman to house the train staff. That would all add up to one impressive train. I’d like to think that two freshly painted and washed E-units handled the train.

    I have always kept an eye out for a photograph of this train, but have never seen one. Given the nature of this event, I’d would have thought that the Frisco photographer would have been present for a few shots for the annual report, etc. I would also think that the local newspapers would have had an article in their business sections.

    Does anyone have photos or other information?

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