Frisco Railway - 1900-1913 Book Research - New Member Introduction - Aloha!

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Hannah Zink, Dec 21, 2023.

  1. Hannah Zink

    Hannah Zink Member

    Aloha all Frisco aficionados!

    I’m in search of all things Frisco circa 1900-1913. I am curious how the rails operated, how ticketing worked and timetables. I am doing research for a book that the Frisco Railway seems to have played a major role in.

    I do intend to publish and all sources will be credited accordingly. I’m ashamed to admit that I know very little about railroads in general but I am very eager to learn. My specific interest is 1911/12.

    I’d like to say an enthusiastic thank you to everyone who is willing to help so that I may do justice to the Frisco Railway when I finally sit down and start writing.

    Thank you!

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2023
  2. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Hannah, Welcome Aboard!

    As you browse the forum, you will notice the organizational structure for the historical part of the forum.

    Posing questions in the relevant area will typically result in answers for some very knowledgeable people.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2023
    Ozarktraveler and Hannah Zink like this.
  3. Hannah Zink

    Hannah Zink Member

    Good afternoon!

    I’ve been exploring the forum. I’m excited to see what I’ll be able to learn.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2023
    Ozarktraveler and Sirfoldalot like this.
  4. Iantha_Branch

    Iantha_Branch Member

    Welcome aboard!

    I like to think the forums here have the best availability of information of any railroad. I hope our resident experts are able to help you along your way.

    I'm curious to know how the Frisco of 1911/12 is involved in your story. Can you share where your story is located?
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2023
  5. Hannah Zink

    Hannah Zink Member

    Aloha Ethan,

    I am writing about a serial murderer who traveled the railroads throughout the late 1ate 1800’s and early 1900’s.

    While doing my research it seems that a large number of the murders took place at the ends of the Frisco rails. In one case there was evidence that the murderer boarded a Frisco train after committing the murder. It’s my belief that the murderer had intimate knowledge of the Frisco railway and its operations.

    I’m really endeavoring to find timetables and train movements throughout the areas murders were committed to try and determine when he got off the trains and when he got back onto the trains after the murders were committed.

    I would also love to know if the trains issued passes and how those passes allowed travelers to move about the railway at the time. It seems as though despite boarding trains in locations horrific murders were committed no witnesses ever emerge. This oddity leads me to believe that he must not have raised suspicions aboard the train.

    I do not believe he was an employee of the railroad or was affiliated with it in anyway, but I do believe he had intimate knowledge on how the trains ran and worked. I believe he lived in St. Louis and would frequently travel the Frisco lines thought out the early years of the 1900’s.

    To answer your question, I unfortunately do not have one singe location in mind. Other than believing he lived in St. Louis and the coincidence that a majority of crimes took place directly off or near Frisco rails. It’s been over 100 years since these murders were committed and I would very much like to give the victims some justice.

    Any help will be more than appreciated if anyone thinks they would like to help bring a murderer into the light.

    Thank you!

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2024
  6. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    @Hannah Zink,

    I think the Employee Time Tables will help you see an "insider's" view of Frisco train movements.

    In nearly every division, there is an Employee Time Table dated May 24, 1914. These represent the most complete, earliest view of the system's train movements. I also noticed that the Public Time Tables have schedules in your time frame for Passenger Trains.

    Note that the ETTs reflect passenger and freight trains whereas the PTTs display only passenger train movements.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2024
    Iantha_Branch likes this.
  7. Skylark81

    Skylark81 Member


    Welcome to a fun hobby and a great railroad to learn about.

    I saw your profile and Port Orchard, WA that is awesome. My wife and I just moved from Vancouver, WA last May. It was weird being a Frisco fan in non Frisco country. LOL.

    For the era you have interest in, do you have the book Frisco Folks?

    It is all about the steam era and stories to go with it.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2024
  8. gbnf

    gbnf Member

    Are you familiar with the collections at the Springfield, MO library?

    For example, there are some issues of The Frisco Man employee magazines for 1911-12 in pdf format that will give you an idea of what was going on in that time period, with detailed descriptions of railroad operating procedures.

    1911 issues for Jan, Mar, Apr, Jul, Dec
    1912 issue for Jan

    You might also take a look at this site:

    For example, there is a newspaper clipping dated 13 Aug 1912 about a derailment near Rogers, AR which might be a topic of conversation amongst characters in your book.

    Travel passes were issued to individuals who were not employees of the Frisco. I have one issued in 1925 to a Capt. of Police for the Southern Railway. They are fairly common collectibles. Try googling frisco railroad passes or frisco travel pass.

    For example, here is an image of a pass from 1905:

    Some info about the "Sunset Route" referred to on the pass issued to their General Passenger & Ticket Agent (G. P. & T. A.).

    Good luck with your book.
    Last edited: May 28, 2024

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