Looking for feedback on a track plan

Discussion in 'General' started by dboone74, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. dboone74

    dboone74 Member

    Perhaps my track plan is overly simple? I've got quite a bit less space than the example you linked, only 8' by 7.5'. I'd like it to be interesting to run, but not overly crowded. Trying to wrap my head around scale too. It would probably a good idea to get some more track and just mess around in the real world rather than just on the computer.
  2. rjthomas909

    rjthomas909 Member Frisco.org Supporter


    I think that the Heart of Georgia would be an example closest to your space limitation. I do like the style/concept of the (6) Alagoma and Wolff Creek. You would need to use the key component(s) that you would like to use, concentrating on taking up one corner with the more urban/yard area.

    -Bob T.
  3. dboone74

    dboone74 Member

    That is a nice one, Bob and certainly give me ideas on tweaking what I have. I think I'd like more space for buildings than on that plan, but it does reflect better the space I have available.

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