
Discussion in 'General' started by john, May 18, 2001.

  1. john

    john Guest

    John G. Hollembeak took this photo an titled it "Breaktime!

    John G. Hollembeak took this photo an titled it "Breaktime!"

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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2006
  2. khowell

    khowell Guest

    K Howel's Carthage, MO layout

    It's early morning as the crew of a FRISCO local makes up it's train in the yard at Carthage, MO.

    The crew of a FRISCO local is shown spotting a car at an elevator in Carthage, MO. The locomotive is a custom painted Athearn shell with an Overland Models drive unit.

    The local section gang is out doing a little maintenance work.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2006
  3. rick

    rick Guest

    Rick McClellan's old layout

    I attached a few photos of the old layout shot by my good friend Brett Overholtzer. Maybe you can use them on the new site. I looked around a bit and did not see a photo section.

    Locomotives featured are: 703, 573

    The new layout will be started after our move in late July, early August.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2006
  4. mike

    mike Guest

    Here are Douglas Hughes track plans in jpg format:

    Lower tracks:


    Higher tracks:

  5. mike

    mike Guest

    Douglas Hughes track plans

    Here are Douglas Hughes track plans in jpg format:

    Lower tracks

    Higher tracks:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 26, 2006
  6. chris

    chris Guest

    Terminal-Oriented Layouts

    A few years back, MR’s “Model Railroad Planning” featured Jim Senese’s KC Terminal layout, which combines compressed elements of various line’s yards around KCMO and KCK with interchanges inbetween. A brief glance at this year’s MRP reveals that Chuck Hitchcock has dismantled his ATSF layout in favor of a similar KC Terminal approach.

    Which brings me to this: has anyone considered a similar approach for the Frisco? I would think that Springfield itself is screaming for this angle. I think someone has a layout called the Springfield Terminal? When do we get to hear more about your layout?

    Thanks to the maps that Mike has made available to the Resource Center, I would think there would be plenty of opportunities to model terminal/interchange operations in places such as St. Louis, Memphis and the like. Especially if you want to compliment the Frisco with St. Louis-area operations, the TRRA has a great technical/historical society for which membership would be a must.

    Let’s hear about those model layout ideas and those that are already in existence!
  7. ken

    ken Guest

    I have built a fairly representative of the Birmingham Terminal in HO scale. It includes both freight and passenger terminals as well as industrial and interchange facilities. It is described in the past FMIG newsletters with photos.
  8. ken

    ken Guest

    The November 2003 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman will include a seven-page article on our Birmingham Terminal Division layout. Bill Schaumburg took most of the photos.

    Long live the Frisco!

    Ken McElreath
  9. bob

    bob Guest

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