FMIG Newsletters

Discussion in 'FMIG & All Aboard newsletters' started by friscomike, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. friscomike

    friscomike Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Here are scans of the old FMIG newsletters in PDF format.
  2. friscomike

    friscomike Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter


    Here is FMIG issue #45,dated December 1986 in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

    I picked this issue because of content and to test interest. We'll follow with other issues. Scanning quality affects size and a full quality PDF document of issue #45 was 92 mb in size. I saved it with a lower resolution and the quality almost matches the original and is only 2.4 mb. Please provide feedback if you have difficulties with the quality or document.

    Best Regards,

    Attached Files:

  3. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Supporter

    Mike - Good to see the FMIG issues start to be posted. Brings back a lot of good memories - the "good old days"!

    I have all of them, but some of my copies are poor with the pics barely legible. I look forward to more FMIG postings. Thanks.

  4. timothy_cannon

    timothy_cannon Member Supporter

    THANK YOU!!!!!! This does bring back memories of my modeling days when I was but a mere youngster in my early 20's. I was just married and can remember money was tight and my wife (of 27 years this month) said "you need money for what???? a newsletter???????". I have ZERO issues left. It is fantastic what you are doing here! Thank you so much and keep up the good work.
  5. gbmott

    gbmott Member

    . . . and thanks from someone who missed out completely on the work of the FMIG.

  6. Wes S.

    Wes S. Member

    Please, sir, may I have some more?
  7. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    I plan to start scanning 1-30 and FMIG LINES 101-116 tomorrow - I'm recovering from eye surgery. Don't expect them quickly. FMIG LINES 104 is over 100 pages! Content in some of the early issues was pretty short on modeling ideas, but we were just getting acquainted back then. I was also sending out the issues gratus. Doug
  8. friscomike

    friscomike Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Howdy Doug,

    Posting the word doc is fine, but many folks don't have word. Since PDF readers are free, it is probably best to just use the PDF version.

    We use spam blockers on, so if you reply to the message, indicating you are a real person, it should resend the message for you. Did you send it to dispatcher@...?

    Best Regards,
  9. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    FMIG Newsletter 1

    Attached for your enjoyment, Doug

    Attached Files:

  10. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    FMIG Newsletter 2

    Attached, Doug

    Attached Files:

  11. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    FMIG Newsletter 3

    From 32 years ago. It's been almost that long since I last looked at it - memories! Doug

    Attached Files:

    • NL 3.pdf
      File size:
      21.2 MB
  12. yardmaster

    yardmaster Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    At the risk of being melodramatic...

    A big "bless you" to Doug and all of the rest for documenting all of this information 30 years ago, and for your efforts in continuing to share it today through digitizing the old newsletters and staying active on this forum.

    In today's desktop publishing age, I think I forget how labor intensive a 15-page newsletter could be!

    Again, thanks on behalf of those of us who were too young to really appreciate the Frisco during its existence, but share the enthusiasm for keeping it alive!
  13. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    Chris, we individually knew little but collectively knew much - thanks for the comment.

  14. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    FMIG Newsletter 4

    From October 1976 FYE, Doug

    Attached Files:

    • NL 4.pdf
      File size:
      25.6 MB
  15. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    FMIG Newsletter 5

    Some of these guys are now deceased. Doug

    Attached Files:

  16. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    FMIG Newsletter 6

    Attached FYE, Doug

    Attached Files:

    • NL 6.pdf
      File size:
      12.8 MB
  17. Rick McClellan

    Rick McClellan 2009 Engineer of the Year

    I can't print these fast enough . . . . .

    I am really enjoying rereading the FMIG newsletters. Interesting banter back and forth between members, "current" news of the Frisco, modeling efforts in a challenging era for the Frisco fan, etc. Doug, thanks for scanning and sharing with everyone. I never thought I would be old enough to look back at the tough time we had modeling the Frisco accurately. Today's models are either dead on or close enough for a little modification to Frisco standards. We can even have prototypical sound for those with DCC bringing an unimaginable feature to our layouts. Hard to imagine it getting any better but that is what I thought back in the late 1980s when I sent my first $$ to Doug for the newsletter.

    I think it is going to get even better in the next year or two for Frisco equipment. We just got another Kadee cement hopper number. I have been after them to produce the yellow 50' plug door boxcars too. The RS-1s are no where to be found so I am looking for another run of those as well. I now have 65' mill gons in 1947 and 197? paint. Never thought I would have those either. Is this great or what?

    I think I joined the group too late to go to any of the annual gatherings. What is the possibility of us doing that again? KC is central and I would be happy to play host as well as operate my railroad. Springfield might be good too. Anyone interested?

    Ship IT on the Frisco!

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2008
  18. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    Rick, glad you are enjoying "the early days." There is soooo much more SL-SF research material available today thanks to the early push by those going through or staying with the FMIG.

    There is over 2,000 pages of FMIG newsletter material, some of which is 8-1/2 x 14, which will require three scans/two pages. There's also several great books including Nick Molo's about the freight cars. And then there's the 1,000 or so pages Alan published through the Frisco Museum.

    The NMRA's MCoR publication THE CABOOSE KIBITZER also did a multiple-issue series on modeling the Frisco plus some great construction articles by the KC-area Frisco modelers. Can you get release from your pals there for us to also scan/post these great articles. I actually wrote one of the series about era choice.

    We do need to have conventions again - just to get acquainted and to show off our modeling skills.

    There have been from 8-10 NMRA MMRs (depending on memory and how we count) that have been involved with the FMIG. Most/all are MCoR.

    More scans/posts over the weekend, hopefully.

  19. TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020)

    TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020) Passed Away July 15, 2020 Supporter

    There was a great detailed article in an early NMRA journal tracing the convoluted and complicated corporate history of the Frisco. It would be nice if that article could be reproduced or reprinted here. Sorry, I don't recall the date or publication name at the moment. It included a terrific chart of the corporate histories (and bankruptcies).


    Edit--Ron Williams had the large several page article with photos in the April 1980 "NMRA Bulletin" including the corporate history mentioned above.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2008
  20. w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021)

    w3hodoug (Doug Hughes RIP 03/24/2021) 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    FMIG Newsletter 7

    Attached - start of the depot coverage. Doug

    Attached Files:

    • NL 7.pdf
      File size:
      12.9 MB
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2008

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