Electronics Forum Suggestion

Discussion in 'DCC' started by Rick McClellan, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Rick McClellan

    Rick McClellan 2009 Engineer of the Year

    They say that admitting that you have a problem starts the road to recovery so I am here to tell you that I am electronically challenged. AND as an electronically challenged person, I need all the help I can get. I am challenged by programming decoders and I am thinking that the Electronics Forum would be a good place to post information on programming decoders.

    I made a HUGE (in my mind anyway) discovery last night on getting both front and rear headlights to be on/off at the same time on my switching units! I had to go out to the Mfr's website and hunt for a while BUT I found what looked like the right info, translated it into English and tried it. It worked. I will make another post with that info under TCS A6X Decoder - Lighting.

    Ship IT on the Frisco!

  2. FriscoFriend (Bob Hoover RIP 4/12/2018)

    FriscoFriend (Bob Hoover RIP 4/12/2018) Passed Away April 12, 2018 Frisco.org Supporter

    To All:

    Rick makes an interesting observation about going to a Manufacturers website to learn more about the "Advanced vs. Basic" features they offer.

    I was recently doing some online research about sound functions on the new Soundtraxx Tsunami and found some very interesting programming options involving being able to do such things as automatically sound the horns at grade crossings and setting the brake squeal to sound every time there is a sharp drop in the throttle movement.

    I make these observations to point out that like Rick did, when you choose and install a certain decoder go to the manufacturer's website and find out some of the really neat features they offer and whether or not they might apply to you. Most of them are written in simple enough language that almost everyone can figure them out.

    Bob Hoover
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2009

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