Edward C-102.7

Discussion in 'Ash Grove Subdivision' started by Karl, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Frisco.org Supporter

    Edward was the third name to this junction. The first being Southeast Junction, which was followed by Washburn (Edward Washburn president of the Memphis Road after George Nettleton). After the merger with the Frisco occurred, the name was changed to Edward since the name (Washburn, MO) was already in use.

    It is sometimes times referred to as Edwards.

    The Ash Grove Sub had an anachronistic character to it. It retained its APBS semaphores well into the '70's, and the busy nature of the line required open agencies at Arcadia, Liberal, Iantha, Lamar, Golden City, Lockwood, S Greenfield, and Ash Grove.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2010
  2. Iantha_Branch

    Iantha_Branch Member

    Karl, I've looked at all these maps you've been putting up. I would like to give everyone some history behind Edward Jct. If I get it wrong, correct me.

    In 1865, shortly before the end of the Civil War, the Kansas and Neosho Vally railroad formed to construct a line from Kansas City to the Neosho (River) Vally and then move on towards the Gulf. By 1868 they had reached Ft. Scott and had renamed to the Missouri River, Ft. Scott and Gulf. They were in the lead to reach Indian Territory (the Oklahoma border) first, but due to construction delays south of Ft. Scott, MKT made it before them. Since they couldn't go to Indian territory, they kept the line going south, then just south of Ft. Scott they split a line off of the first one and headed for Springfield. That spot became South East Junction.

    If you want every little detail go to
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2010

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