Been a frisco fan since I was a kid watching the last of the orange and white run behind my gmas farm east of Augusta Kansas
Hey Isaac. Let me know what part of town you are you ever come to the Saturday luncheons at Longhorn Cafe?
Apologies for the delay in replying. Work, life, the holiday rush, all that jazz. I don't frequent Longhorn Cafe all that much. The nearest one is a drive away and I work Saturdays. More often then not, when the day is over I just wanna be back home.
My Grandfather Cecil Lawrence Siler retired late 1950’s as Depot Agent in Exeter Mo. worked 50+ years for Frisco
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You've mentioned your brother-in-law fired on the Salem Branch and was making the run when the first diesels were used. My grandpa said the first diesel broke a bunch of rails on its first trip, probably a GP7. I believe you said that No. 61 or 62 was used after that. Please tell me what type that second diesel was (VO-660?). Thanks, Pat
2nd Generation Railroader and proud of my dad in his journey from nobody to somebody on the Frisco and BN
I need to ask a question that may be inappropriate for the website. Decided in 1980 that I was going to build in HO. Bought rolling stock and structure kits. I boxed everything up and we moved. Lost interest. I have 11 copier paper boxes of HO kits and stuff and 1 box of flextrack. I would love to sell it. I have it all in a spreadsheet. I can be reached at Dave
You can post your sales items in the Swap Meet area: Good luck. ~mike
Maybe I am wrong again but is Frisco Charlie originally from the Seymour, MO area and his dad worked in the B&B Department? On Wednesday, April 20th, 2022 a Seymour school group plan on visiting The Railroad Historical Museum, Inc. in Springfield, MO. If you are from the Seymour area you may have some relatives and friends in the group?
HI gjslsffan thank you for your reply. Thank you for your cooperation. I'm sorry for the sudden question. got it. I'm glad to receive a lot of information from other members of Thank you Nobutaka
Thank you for watching. Nice to meet you. I like FRISCO painting the most among EMD E7E8. I'm sorry, but the gold molding and the red paint on the tip of the cab are especially nice. I love FRISCO and MKT's Texas special trains. I'm amazed at how quickly the E7 was remodeled into a red-colored E8 type by removing the stainless steel corrugated body three years after it was manufactured from EMD.
Former hogger on BNSF in Pacific Northwest. Moved back home to TX & now checking routes & railroads up here in North TX.
I posted your excellent photo of Slago Furnace Company and Railroad to the Facebook Page for "Cook Station Community" with some other info from the state historical society newsletter. Thanks!