What Frisco Boxcar Class is this?

Discussion in 'Boxcars' started by Turky44, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. Turky44

    Turky44 Member

    SLSF 40ft Boxcar - 1.jpg I have this Frisco 40ft Boxcar from Jointed Rail and curious if it has a Real Life Boxcar Class
    Joe Lovett likes this.
  2. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Frisco.org Supporter

    Would seem to be an ARA 1937 box
  3. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Frisco.org Supporter

    Based on the looks, Karl is probably correct - 1937 ARA vintage. I have not been able to cross reference the car number though.

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