Good Morning, I am in search of Athearn Genesis GP38-2s. My understanding is that they were released in March of 2014 and were done in a fairly limited run. My friend and I have called upwards of 80 hobby shops around the country and have only since tracked down one--through this site (thanks Ken)! Hoping to test our luck further and see if anyone has one, or two, or three that they are willing to part with as we work towards building an awesome Frisco train! Potential to sweeten the deal with Frisco memorabilia from over the years if it helps. With sound or without is fine by us--any and all numbers. Check out the current train running at the Elmhurst Model Railroad Club a few weeks ago: Thanks for reading and any help you can provide us in our search! Best,
You might try contacting Athearn to see if they will consider a 2nd run with different numbers...Roger
Dave, did you check with Spring Creek Model Trains in Deshler, NE? Also don't forget that Atlas offered GP38-2 locomotives
Already spoke with Athearn and we are holding off on that until some other upcoming Frisco projects are complete.
I did! Saw them at the Milwaukee show in November and then were at Amhearst this last weekend too. No luck. The Atlas ones lack the accuracy of the Genesis version (color is off, no gyro light). My friend is quite the purest and only the Genesis will do. Thank you for the reply!
Welcome to the Frisco website Dave!!! I noticed you are a new member from your postings on this thread. Joe