Uploading photos

Discussion in 'Support' started by Larry F., Feb 5, 2015.

  1. Larry F.

    Larry F. Member

    I stopped using a pc and went with an iPad for my computing needs. The problem I'm having is getting information on embedding a photo in a post for the website using the iPad. Anyone out there know how to do it? I PMed Charlie Dix but he was unfamiliar with the Apple system and suggested this forum. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance. Larry F.
  2. William Jackson

    William Jackson Bill Jackson

    That is what I use, just struggle through. I made several attempts, but it will work on the ipad.
  3. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter


    I know some of you use the I-stuff. I use Android phones/tablets so I am not overly-familiar with the I-stuff. Larry is asking for a brief tutorial on how to do it so if someone can provide information that would be helpful. I think you can use Tapatalk to upload photos but you have to have a Tapatalk account (free and easy) to be able to do it.

  4. William Jackson

    William Jackson Bill Jackson

    Since no one has tried, I am by no means good at this but:
    start with Go Advanced, then scroll down to Manage Attachments. then Choose File.
    It gives you a choice, upload it should show in the box below hit done.
    Then submit reply

    Attached Files:

  5. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member Staff Member

    Now thats a wreck.. I been in derailments but that's a wreck there. Man what a mess.
    Thanks for Posting Bill
  6. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    Hi, I added four photos to my albums today and have a problem because they show up rotated 90 degrees or upside down in the albums. The first three are in "Hand Held Throttle" album, two are rotated and one upside. Last one is rotated in the "Boston Mountain Sub". I tried several ways to eliminate the problem with no luck. Had the same thing happen with old website so it's not a new problem, what am I doing wrong?

  7. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter

    Joe, normally rotated photos are a result of how the picture was taken with an iPad or iPhone. I run into that because I tend to rotate my iPhone to move the image sensor in a position that gives me the best angle. For iPads and iPhones the vertical orientation with the image sensor at the top is the only position that will not yield a rotated photo when transferred to any system other that an Apple system. I just transfer my photos to my computer and then use my photo editing software to correct the orientation before uploading. I think there are apps out there that will allow you to select the proper orientation, but even though I use the iPhone and it's great camera, I generally don't like the way they handle different things.
    Joe Lovett likes this.
  8. FriscoCharlie

    FriscoCharlie Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter

    Joe, I rotated 4 photos for you.
    Joe Lovett likes this.
  9. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    Thank you Charlie and Keith


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