QA&P caboose

Discussion in 'General' started by Robleese, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. Robleese

    Robleese Member

    Years ago in Trains magazine in an article featuring the Quanah, Acme, & Pacific railroad there was a photo of Hubert Wells standing beside a caboose quite similar to this one pictured. Who has that photo? I am searching, but it has not turned up yet. QAP!.jpg QAP2.jpg
    Additionally, a caboose like this one used to sit in a pasture between Paducah and Quanah, TX. Today it is gone, and I would bet a nickel it burned up in a pasture fire.
  2. Robleese

    Robleese Member

    Well...never mind what I posted above.
    I found a better caboose made by K-Line and decorated it with a pleasant surprise: decals made for QA&P boxcars and cabooses in O scale by
    qap50-1.jpg QAP-Caboose-50.jpg 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
    The black and white photos are from the Protocraft website.
    I thought about cutting out the muntins on the side windows but decided against it. It is still pretty darn close to the real thing.
  3. frisco1522

    frisco1522 Staff Member Staff Member

    I would have cut them out. But it looks great!
  4. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member Staff Member

    Lookie what I found Rob.

  5. patrick flory

    patrick flory Member

    The very first model at the beginning is a New York Central car.
    Ozarktraveler and modeltruckshop like this.
  6. patrick flory

    patrick flory Member

  7. Robleese

    Robleese Member

    Does anyone on this forum subscribe to Trains & Railroads of the Past ?? Issue #33 1st quarter 2023 features an eleven page article on railroads in the Wichita falls, TX area including several paragraphs with photos of the Frisco and QA&P. There were two photos of QA&P caboose 47 which I had never seen before. That got me in gear to find an O gauge model to redecorate. qap47.jpg 47_1.jpg 47_2.jpg 47_3.jpg 47_4.jpg 47_5.jpg
    This caboose was long-gone before I ever marked up in Quanah. The only departure I had to make in recreating #47 was to put the QUANAH ACME & PACIFIC text on a strip of styrene...the various O gauge decal sets for QA&P cars do not include this line of text. I had to place each individual letter on styrene, because I did not think I could ever get single letters to lay down on a woodside.
    The article says this caboose was only used in local service.
    GJSLSFFAN gave me a big surprise when he posted a picture of QA&P #53 on this thread...I wonder if he can pull THIS rabbit out of a hat?
  8. patrick flory

    patrick flory Member

    The working marker lamps are the height of cool!

    Robleese and Ozarktraveler like this.
  9. Very nice model. What did you use for the caboose body? Scratch built?
    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  10. Robleese

    Robleese Member

    Since this caboose will always run coupled with the markers in back I removed the Lionel coupler from that end IMG_9641.jpeg and replaced it with a realistic one.
  11. Robleese

    Robleese Member

    OK, I have redeemed myself regarding QA&P #53. The one posted above on August 2, 2022 will be jettisoned at the next train show. Thanks to gjslsffan and his photo of the real 53 seen above. This latest effort ain't exact but much closer than the previous effort. 53_1.jpg 53_2.jpg
    53_3.jpg 53_4.jpg 53_5.jpg 53_6.jpg

    The next project will be QA&P woodside caboose #52 which was Colonial red and a coonskin emblem.
    P.S. That was conductor W.C. Clawson doing his delay report in the second photo while Fred Pierce holds court in the cupola in photo one.
  12. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member Staff Member

    Thats a fine looking caboose Rob.
    Ozarktraveler and Robleese like this.
  13. Robleese

    Robleese Member

    IMG_1045.jpeg IMG_1691.jpeg Years ago a Frisco engineer sent me this photo of some guys I used to work with. Recently I decided to create this caboose as closely as possible. We had a local caboose like this in the QA&P yard but we never used it. If we had work outside of QU we always used the caboose from 537 before it left on 3210.

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