View attachment Frisco 08-06-14.xls Hi, It's been way too long since I updated the Manufactured Releases matrix. About fifty new items have been added and brings the total to 342 Frisco models! I need some help on the Bluford wood chip hoppers. The matrix is short the six road numbers, build date and length. Please post this information if you can. Thank You, Joe
Joe, I am a little confused I guess. Looking at the N Scale Frisco site, what am I missing. I can't find these autoracks. Charlie
Charlie, I'm the one who is confused, the auto racks are HO models. Sorry for getting everyone hopes up. I did find the road numbers on the hoppers, so here's a corrected matrix. View attachment Preorder & Reserve Matrix 08-21-14.xls
Hi, Have there been any more releases since last summer. What is the latest news on the pre-order items. Joe
Atlas just announced a new run of B30-7s and two numbers of double for boxcars. On the B30-7s, there are 3 numbers, but one Atlas did in the first run. ( when they did the first run, there were 2 numbers, plus an un-numbered version... I bought 8, and have numbered all 6 of the unnumberec ones, so I won't be buying any of these). Paul Paul
Hi, Thanks for the update. It's been terribly slow the last six months! Hopefully some of the pre-order models will release soon. Right now all of my railroad budget is going towards building a layout but want to keep manufacturers release matrix up to date. I went to the doctor the other day and six hours of testing. Found out that I don't have ALS after eleven years of being told I do. Turns out I have several bulging disc in my back and neck that are causing nerve damage in my legs and arms. This is good because this is treatable and not a death sentence. Joe
Joe, your medical news is absolutely fantastic. I am very happy for you. The only down side is that it was misdiagnosed for all of those years. Good luck and God bless you on your treatment of the back issues. Terry
Second the motion on that being good news. Let us know what your layout plans are--some Frisco scenes?
Good news there Joe! Glad to hear it. I believe that I have the Frisco N Scale Site updated with all of the latest. Please let me know if I missed anything or if changes should be made. Thanks, Charlie
Thanks for the best wishes and preorder update. Will try to post some photos of one module and overall track plan soon. Joe
Re: New Micro-Trains Weathered Hopper I just found the passenger cars that Micro-Trains released over the last year or so and the baggage car released in April. How close are they to Frisco equipment and what decals would be good to use? Joe
Re: New Micro-Trains Weathered Hopper Joe, Frisco recieved both plan 3585 10-1-2 sleepers and plan 3410 12-1 sleepers from Pullman when Pullman divested itself of its car fleet. I modeled one of the plan 3585 cars and posted how I did it here: Take a look at this thread for more info, including some photos: While there may not be definitive answers for any specific cars, we know: 1) Some were left in Pullman lettering, with little or no alteration, until returned from lease 2) Some were painted red and silver In addition to my model of 1809, I also lettered one of the 12-1 cars for a prototype tat went to the Katy, McCumber, because the name is on the Microscale sheets with Pullman car names. (McCumber stil exists at a museum in Texas ). Paul
A correction to that last post, since I can't seem to edit right now. McKeever, another name on some of the MTL Pullman car name sheets, still exists at a museum in Texas. Both McKeever and McCumber were plan 3410 12-1 Pullman cars that went to the Katy. Paul