Lashing up two Lionel Post-War Steam Locomotives

Discussion in 'General' started by alliesdad, Feb 2, 2025.

  1. alliesdad

    alliesdad Member

    I have a couple of post-war locomotives (736 and a 726/RR, that was given to me when I was three). Problem is, they are single motor locomotives and lack the pulling power of a lashed up dual motor 2343. Is there such a thing as a Lionel steam loco with the front coupler, allowing for it to be lashed up with a second locomtive. I hated to put my steamers on the shelf, but with 20+ cars and plans to put together a 20+ coal car collection, I don't really see many options, other than the power of two 2343 (both powered) in a lashed-up configuration. If Lionel made a front coupler steamer, I can't seem to locate one (or two). So, if anyone has done this, preferably with identical steamers, please let me know. This is kind of my next major project. My 736 is a great locomotive, but just can bear the weight of a long and heavy load, especially with just the single internal motor. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  2. geep07

    geep07 Member

    Attached is a You Tube video that may get you info that you are seeking.

    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  3. alliesdad

    alliesdad Member

    That is certainly one possibility, and one that I have seen in videos before. What I was "hoping" for was a truly front/rear coupler Lionel steamer. I can't seem to find such a beast. I know in real life they were made, but Lionel never seemed to follow suit. If you are aware of a post-war Lionel steamer that was designed from the outset with the front/rear coupler, that would be great. Thank you for the video!
  4. alliesdad

    alliesdad Member

    Then, a follow-up question. Did Lionel ever make a twin motor steamer, similar in pulling power to the F-3 diesels, such as the 2343?
  5. Coonskin

    Coonskin Member


    Lionel's Postwar 0-4-0 switchers have front couplers. Some examples:|tkp:Bk9SR6STsoaZZQ|tkp:Bk9SR6STsoaZZQ|tkp:Bk9SR6STsoaZZQ|tkp:Bk9SR6STsoaZZQ

    One of these behind a Berkshire ought to pull your train.

    Good luck!
  6. alliesdad

    alliesdad Member

    Thanks for the links! I had not seen those before. Yes, I think something like that might do the trick. Now, the trick will be finding one in relatively good condition.

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