Hello from Eureka Spring, Arkansas

Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Brian N. Waller, Jan 5, 2025.

  1. Hello, My name is Brian N. Waller, I live near Eureka Springs, Arkansas (about 2.5 miles outside of Eureka Springs City Limits. I am a Railroad Historian, I am also The Founder & President of The Eureka Springs Railroad Historical & Preservation Society and Waller Railroad Museum. Here is a link for the place above: http://www.facebook.com/Waller.Railroad.Museum Facebook
  2. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Frisco.org Supporter

    Brian, this is a FRISCO forum, dedicated to FRISCO information. The last time you registered and began posting on this forum, you got yourself into trouble with lots of posts about the Eureka Springs Northern and but FRISCO content.

    You are welcome to research here, but no more posts about the Eureka Springs Northern or the Eureka Springs Railroad Historical & Preservation Society or the Waller Railroad Museum.
  3. Yes I know all of what happen the last time. and I will not do that anymore.

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