Yes, and they aren't particularly easy to come by. MBE had some but minimum $7 shipping...for coupler-sized N scale :/ Here is a minor update. I stripped the paint, filled the factory horn holes with Tamiya white putty. I'd never used it before. It sets up surprising quickly for an air dry product. It behaves as though there is a catalyst in it even though it is just a one part putty. It sands easily. Also I drilled and trimmed the factory exhaust. I cleaned up the DA spark arrestors to get rid of mold lines and glued them in with a thick CA glue. Then I primed the whole shell. I still need a set of horns for it. To my amazement, someone posted the very set of horns that I need for sale on this site, and to my further amazement, they had already sold within 4 hours. Oh well. Here are pics of the current state of things.
Looking good, Danny. I've not tried Tamiya white putty - have used Squadron Green and Red before with reasonable results. Nice detail for N Scale. Either this one's just really crisply detailed, or your photography skills are swell, or my progressive lenses are doing what they're supposed to do. Will look forward to more photos-in-progress.
To those looking for appropriate spark arrestors in N scale, CMR Products has them available $4.50 for 4. I just ordered some and will let y’all how they look when I get them in.
As promised. You may note the attempt at grate detail in the top, but honestly anything that fine in N-scale is difficult to achieve. They appear very smooth and virtually model ready, just snip the sprue and file/sand to smooth out the edges and attach with adhesive of your choice and paint - or paint the attach, whichever garners you better results. CMR 3D printing, everybody. Netzlof detail parts is the tab on their website, I believe under the shells/details category.