George B. (Gaither) Tipton

Discussion in 'Frisco Folks' started by Karl, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    The spousal unit's grandfather got his start on the L&N. I don't know when hired on with the Frisco, but during the 1920's, my mother in law and her siblings were reared on a farm near Franks, MO. At this time Gaither as he was know to his co-workers was a boiler inspector at Newburg. He would hop a train to get to and from Newburg. During the slack times of the depression, he relied on farming to support the large family. During 1941, he got on as a boiler maker at the West Shops in Springfield.

    One Christmas, not long after Colleen and I were married, I got a package with all the family passes, etc. I knew that I had been accepted by the in-laws.

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  2. Sirfoldalot

    Sirfoldalot Supporter Supporter

    Nice ... And you are still blessed.:)

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