Frisco Ft. Scott and Beyond Layout

Discussion in 'General' started by Joe Lovett, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    The windows arrived this morning so will be cutting out the openings tonight along with the doors. It took seven days to go from Ft. Meyers Beach FL to Broken Arrow which isn't too bad.

    USPS is still slammed with packages, mostly returns now according to my friend, Gary who works at the Tulsa distribution center. Some of USPS locations are having problems with employees being out because of Covid but it hasn't been a problem at the Tulsa hub. Gary said they haven't had any problems with it since early summer.

  2. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    I've been working on the track plans for the Ft. Scott and Beyond layout this afternoon. Will post photo when I'm finished. Trying to find something with a five inch diameter since I don't have a compass at the apartment. Off to the kitchen I go, over the hill and through the woods. Haha

    Ozarktraveler likes this.
  3. geep07

    geep07 Member

    Pencil and a string!
    Joe Lovett likes this.
  4. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    I just finished the track plans, found a measuring cup that is perfect for a 18 inch radius curves. The plans might change a bit when it's time to install track, they usually do as many of you know. Yard tracks for Ft. Scott are shorter than I would like but that can be addressed later. Barnseville is a time saver configuration with a lot of switching, altogether there are 17 turnouts on the layout. Each square equals two inches. After working with N scale since 1984 the HO stuff looks huge.

    Any suggestions are welcome.


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    Ozarktraveler and Iantha_Branch like this.
  5. Iantha_Branch

    Iantha_Branch Member

    Have you considered using computer based layout design? I really like to use AnyRail. They do offer a demo version, your layout might be small enough to plan without hitting the item limit.
  6. Jim James

    Jim James Staff Member Staff Member

    Funny. I still use a pencil and a yardstick or ruler with holes drilled in it.
  7. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    Thank you Ethan for the link.

    I would have liked to use my laptop to make the drawing using Excel like the one I did for the N scale. Currently it's not working right so did it with pen and 12 inch scale.


    19-11-10-Joe-L-1 (2).jpg
  8. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    Jim, I do the same thing when drawing track plans on the layout foam.
    gjslsffan and modeltruckshop like this.
  9. Joe Lovett

    Joe Lovett Member

    This evening I cut the base for Ft. Scott Depot and test fit the walls to see what it's going to look like. Tomorrow will start cutting out the remaining doors and windows.

    Spent this afternoon moving stuff from storage to home. Friday afternoon will start moving the layout home and hope to to have it set up by New Year's Eve. Need to purchase some shelf brackets to hold the layout instead of putting legs on it. Should look a lot better, also want to hang a curtain around the layout to hide train stuff storage boxes. Cynthia said she would make the curtains for me.

    Also want to repaint the fascias an olive color because the forest green is too glossy for my taste. Richard a friend on TrainBoard has his layout painted the color I want and posted the paint name and number from Lowe's.

  10. gjslsffan

    gjslsffan Staff Member Staff Member

    Ethan, Jim and Joe,
    Hey guys, I have used all the methods as described to try and draw a layout concept. But nothing compares to actual track laying and issues that arise.
    I used an 8ft stick of half round flat trim, with drilled blocks attached to bend around curves. I will try to get images uploaded. My attempt here is quite unique and singular.
    The cool thing about this approach is easements were/are always built in, which further helps with the long trains we are able to run here.
    Ethan. We are not that far away from each other. I live in a vacation destination LOL, maybe you come out here and see this outfit, and help me draw this up for once.
  11. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Supporter

    I've never been to Ft Scott. But, I love the various track diagram charts that have been posted on Regarding the four Ft Scott track charts included in this posting, where/how does chart #24 relate to charts #1-2-3?
    Joe Lovett likes this.
  12. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Supporter

    Sheet 24 covers the MP remnant, which the Frisco took over after the MP abandoned its line through Ft Scott during October 1965. The Frisco abandoned the extant connection, and it built a new connection with with panel track. If you examine sheet 2 the connection is located where the “old Mo Pac” is annotated.

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