Bull Moose Roster, Circa 1912-1913

Discussion in 'Motorcars' started by Karl, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. Karl

    Karl 2008 Engineer of the Year Frisco.org Supporter

    These two pages were taken from my July 1, 1909 roster book. As can been seen, motor cars, 2100-2106, were added after the roster book was published. The roster book lists rows (car numbers) regardless of whether or not a particular number is used. It's my opinion, that the author of the edit, chose vacant numbers, 1126-1132, as a place to add the new GE motor cars. There is no evidence in the motor car diagram book that cars 2100-2106 had a previous number.
    July 1, 1909 annotated roster book; my collection.
    motor_car_roster_circa_1914 copy.png

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