Almost in my back yard!

Discussion in 'Other Scales' started by Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024), May 28, 2010.

  1. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    I was searching around Google Earth a while back and happened to come upon RR track near my house. So happens that it is 7 1/2 inch Gauge owned by a very nice gentleman called Bob. I went over and introduced myself - told him I was a model railroader - and that I would like very much to see his setup. He invited me to call him in a couple weeks as he had a washout to repair and a bridge to replace. Location is about:
    N 33.28.20
    W 117.03.21

    Just so happened that my daughter, son in law, and two grandsons were coming out from DC, so I called him, told him that, and asked if we could come over. He gave us an un-forgetable ride encompassing (he said) two miles of track with 10-12 bridges and trestles. We did not travel on the same track twice. There are many turnouts with passing tracks and sidings ... and ... HE IS STILL EXPANDING. :cool:

    I am planning on visiting again tomorrow with friends and another grandson who lives in town here. Bob has asked me if I would like to learn the layout and to operate the locomotives. I am in "hoggers heaven"!
    Haven't been this excited since my solo flight! :D

    Please excuse my spelling - I forgot to load the spell checker. :eek:

    Some Pictures Below. :)

    Attached Files:

  2. SteveM

    SteveM Member Supporter

    So, are you going to build a Frisco caboose first?
  3. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Supporter

    Urge Bob to get another one of those GP's (like the SP units) as part of his expansion, but to do it in Frisco livery. I'd suggest b/y colors, but o/w would work as well! Will need to get rid of the d/b.

    Wonder what one of those puppies costs?

    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2010
  4. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Here's the place to get your own, undecorated operational GP-7 in inch and a half to the foot scale for only $19,868. Then you can add all kinds of details to it and SOUND!

    These people have been in business for a good while and I had heard that they make quality stuff.

    PS - you could make and detail a Frisco GP-7 since the dynamic brakes are optional.
  5. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    Ha - Steve.... Actually I was thinking about one of the Yellow 42' flats - so I would have my own "private" car to ride on -- but the caboose is a good idea too!

    Ken - I already said that the SP's would look awesome in B/Y Frisco, but he replied that he was an Essp fan and couldn't let me do that. :mad:
    (But I will do my best to get some Frisco something or other on that track.) :D

    Bob is going to introduce me to the machine shop tomorrow, too.:)
  6. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    OK .. Here is the kicker - Guys. What's the old saying, "It's an ill wind that blows no change"?

    SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) has decided that my next project here is to build her a salon room in the house. I have no objections, but, SHE'S TAKING MY TRAIN LAYOUT and COMPUTER ROOM. :eek:

    While this looks like on the surface to be a disaster, it may work to my advantage. AS she will be able to double her income, I think a nice compromise would be for her to "help" me work toward a nice GP-7 in 1 1/2" scale. :D

    If this doesn't work .. then I will be banished to the garage (which would be OK for "O" scale, but too dusty for HO).
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2010
  7. JamesP

    JamesP James Pekarek

    Sherrel, welcome to the dark side! :D The only thing more addictive than riding your own diesel train around is riding your own Live Steam Locomotive around! I just came in a little bit ago, we had some friends over this evening and ran my 12" gauge 4-4-0 until dark. If you can leverage indoor layout space for 1.5" scale equipment, do it! With a track nearby, you have a huge head start in the hobby. Take a look on for used equipment. You could also buy a pair of trucks and couplers, then fabricate the rest of your Frisco flatcar. Great pictures, thanks for sharing!

    Just for fun, here is a short video of #103 running freight trains on my railroad:

    - James
  8. Iantha_Branch

    Iantha_Branch Member

    That is some cool stuff! Don't think that would fly with my parents. Looks like I am still an HO guy. Fine with me :cool:
  9. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    Thanks for the video, James. You should name it, "Steam in the Woods".
    That really looks like fun!
    That's a very good website, too, for the large scale equipment.

    I better start saving my nickels.
  10. JamesP

    JamesP James Pekarek

    Thanks for the kind comments. Sherrel, I'm gonna adopt the "Steam in the Woods" name for a future video! Save up those nickels, start building the Frisco flatcar and keep us up to date on the progress.

    - James
  11. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

  12. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Cool video! Great job, especially for a non-techie!
  13. JamesP

    JamesP James Pekarek

    I agree, good video! That is quite the railroad, very impressive.
  14. friscobob

    friscobob Staff Member Staff Member Supporter

    At the last OKC train show, I saw several diesel models in that scale. Really nice, but I don't think I could even come close to convincing my wife I need one. Shoot, it's all I can do to convince her to let me build that HO scale layout in the garage (she's starting to crawfish a bit on the floor space).

    That WAS a good vodeo, though. Liked that Q diesel- the green thing, not so much:D
  15. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    Much fun ...:cool:
  16. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Supporter

    Those two VGN Trainmasters look pretty neat. Is he going to change those to SP as well?

  17. Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024)

    Sirfoldalot (Sherrel Weems RIP 8/29/2024) Supporter Supporter

    Hmmmm? Wonder how a Trainmaster would look in Frisco B/Y? :D
  18. meteor910

    meteor910 2009 Engineer of the Year Staff Member Supporter

    One of these days/weeks/months/years/decades we might find out. I have had an undec dummy Athearn Blue Box FM H24-66 Trainmaster here for some time. My plan is to make it into a Frisco b/y hump engine.

    They never had any TM's, but just as with Alco PA1's and EMD E8B's, maybe they should have! ;):rolleyes:

  19. Coonskin

    Coonskin Member

    I too, have been very tempted by the U-Ride'Em scales. In my case, it was 2 1/2" narrow gauge on 7.5" gauge track. (Steam.)


    One of those 1 1/2" scale GP7's would look AWESOME in Frisco's black w/yellow stripes!

    Go for it Sirfoldalot!!!

    Andre Ming
  20. JamesP

    JamesP James Pekarek

    Andre, do you mean like this? Not my engine, but I am at the throttle of a 2.5" scale, 7.5" gauge K-28. I've ran this engine up a 3% grade with 17 cars behind - yeehaw!

    - James

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