My layout used to be 4'wide by 5' 4" long. But today, I got a 4x8. It took a while to get everything moved out and moved in though. I used the same frame, but it sticks out alot on one side, but I don't have any problems yet because it's 5/8 in. plywood and 3/4 in. pink foam so it has plenty of support If you wish to see the difference between the old and the new, check out my new photo album. Maybe this fall I will get rid of the power lock track and the grass mat and switch to atlas track. I'll just have to see what comes my way.
Howdy Ethan, Good to see you working on a layout. You'll find endless hours of fun laying track and building structures, roads, etc. I started in the hobby while in school, too. School was full of stress, and I needed a hobby to help relax. I glued down my first tie and spiked my first rail with a schoolbook in one hand and a hobby tool in the other. Finding space is a tough problem for all of us, and it looks like you've made the most of yours. I think most folks will agree that the more switches and industries you can install, the better for operations. Industries will keep you at the layout longer than a layout that goes round and round. Hang in there and thanks for posting the update. Best regards, mike
Tis quite a nice start! You are way ahead where I was at your age! Keep up the good work and keep the photos coming, Best Regards,
I went to the Pittsburg swap met today, and I got a few new things. An SD45 that I custom painted this afternoon, and 5 new rolling stock. Also this past week I built a new structure out of card board. It's ok, but it have the dimensions of O scale. Just check out my 2 albums to see the new stuff. Also a question, why is the back of a BB SD45 flat instead of slanted?
You do not have an SD 45, what you do have is an SDP45. It is th passenger version of the SD45 the squqred off end is where the steam boiler was. The Frisco did not have any of that type of locomotive. It was nice to see you today. I picked up three cars myself. Bob P.S. Ok Mike (I know you're reading this) I lied I guess there was something I still needed uh I mean wanted.
Ok, last night I made a road. And I also painted a F7B (dummy) O/W fathers day. Also I weathered the grade crossing.
Ethan, Congratulations! Now you are on your way. Do you plan to operate your railroad? Hope you do. Let us know how that goes. Invite your friends to see if they have an interest in model railroading and operating. BTW the next town in the next phase of my layout expansion is Lamar. Going to include the big elevator and the MP crossing. Do you know how long the furniture company has been there? I would be interested to know what industries were there in 1950. Ship IT on the Frisco! Rick PS Are you going to make the Pittsburg wingding in Sept?
I have been operating my railroad since I got my first train set, in fact I operated it today. Why would I put a bunch of money into DCC if I didn't operate? I didn't know you were building the ash grove sub. As far as Lamar in the 50's. My grandpa told me it was built some where between 52 and 55. Originally it was kinda like the AMD elevator from walthers, only it had 14 square concrete silos and no shed for loading into cars. also there was a flower mill a few 100 yards east of the depot. I will have to ask my grandpa for more info. PS, contact me when you start on the iantha section, I can give you info on that too.
Keep up the good work, Ethan; right now you are ahead of me (i.e. you actually have track down!). Best Regards,