1039 is back together and I took some pictures to see what I missed. I still need to put the oil heater on, straighten some things and do some touchup work. I did some light weathering using chalks, but for some reason the chalk really jumps out when you use the flash. Its not nearly as weathered as it looks. That is all the easy part. I've been fighting the Soundtraxx decoder from hell for three days and it still won't behave. Programmed fine on the bench, installed and worked good. Started tweaking it and got it just the way I wanted it. Shut it down and moved it over on the test track for some more work and it wouldn't work when I put the number in the throttle. Worked on default settings on 03. I've reprogrammed the damned thing six times since then and it still won't respond to 1039 on the throttle. Called Soundtraxx but support is off today, so will take that up with them tomorrow. Sometimes I wish I had stayed with DC and PFM sound.
Looks great Don, as always. Yes, George was in St Louis and traveling back today I believe. He was at Ken’s late Saturday night and I think going home today.
Great looking locomotive, Don. How many locomotives have you built over the years? You do a fantastic job on assembly and weathering. Joe
That's a good question and I never really kept track. I would suspect that over the years since the late 60s, maybe 50. I did a fair amount of custom work for a couple of the importers, pilot models and such. I have either built, bashed or superdetailed the rest for myself. I thinned the roster by a dozen or so engines a couple of years ago and started building some more. I think its a sickness and there must be a 12 step program for it.
Don, you are the locomotive guru!!! Thank you for your post. 50 is a lot of locomotives, great job. Joe
Well, I finally learned enough about programming from the Digitrax throttle to get 1039 to behave. I'm sure there will be some tweaks to do when it is running on the layout, but it is good enough for now. Got a few things straightened on it after staring at the photos and I'm thinking that its time to turn her over to the roundhouse foreman. I managed to find a PFM Decapod on Brass Trains that I had built for a fellow in Arkansas some years ago. I made some basic changes to it back then and moved the air pump out on the pilot deck. It was already painted and lettered and apparently he didn't run it, so it is basically new. I changed the motor to a can and am going to put a WOW sound decoder in it. I've never worked with one of them, so it will be interesting. I'm being careful not to scratch or bump my old lacquer paint job. More stuff on the bench under way. 2 more 4000 class USRA mikes, An akane and a Sunset, a 1350 mike, a 3695 and a 3800 0-6-0. The 3800 and the one 4000 are virtually finished, just need cleaning up, microblasting and painting. The 3695 engine is done, but have to build a tender for it. Also a 185 which is basically ready to paint. I'm going to put it on the market for sale when its all done. All I have to do is find time to start finishing some of these. After all is done, I have a Toby 1500 to make another 1522 to replace the one I sold. I thought PSC was going to import them and sold mine. We all know how that worked out.
1039 has been released for service. I installed a can motor and Tsunami in the 1627, tweaked a few things and she is also ready for service. Really surprised me to find it on Brasstrains.com. I had done it years ago along with two MP 2-10-0s for a fellow in Arkansas and here is was again. I was going to find a junker somewhere and do the air pump on the pilot thing, but this saved me the effort.