IM Frisco b/y FP-7...

Discussion in 'N Scale' started by TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020), Jun 19, 2013.

  1. pbender

    pbender Member Supporter

    Yes, they got that right.

  2. TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020)

    TAG1014 (Tom Galbraith RIP 7/15/2020) Passed Away July 15, 2020 Supporter

    I got my set, second the motion. Nice!

    Tom G.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2014
  3. trainsignguy

    trainsignguy Member Supporter

    Received my A-B-B-A set yesterday and they are beautiful. Without a doubt the best looking engines in my N scale collection. Never thought I would say that about any model that wasn't a GP-7. I did a test run with them. Right out of the box, they ran smooth like buttah. The test run is about the only time they will run in A-B-B-A configuration on my layout.

    Dale Rush
  4. railroadpete

    railroadpete Member Supporter

    Got mine too! I'm happy! Thanks Intermountain!

  5. Kevin Blair

    Kevin Blair Member

    Received my A-B set in two separate purchases from M.B. Klein. F7B arrived with the coupler draft gear broken. Klein was sold out, so I called Intermountain for a replacement part. "Parts are coming from China. They will be here in six weeks or so." Not wanting to wait, I fixed everything with ACC... maybe it will hold until the replacement part arrives.

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