Bruce Adams

Webster Groves Frisco Depot 8833 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, MO, 63119

Webster Groves Frisco Depot
8833 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, MO, 63119
Bruce Adams, May 30, 2012
sunnyland and mountaincreekar like this.
    • sunnyland
      still there and home to Big Bend model RR club. I think it is one of the oldest in US, started in late 30's with students from local high school. Kept it going even when building used as depot. Now they occupy the whole area. BNSF wanted to tear it down and Webster Groves saved it, Just like Kirkwood did with MP station, which is still used by Amtrak and manned by volunteers.
      Bruce Adams likes this.
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