
Harrisonville, MO. Ground level view of Mopac bridge over Business US 71.

Harrisonville, MO. Ground level view of Mopac bridge over Business US 71.
    • wpmoreland719
      Awesome, just simply awesome. Keep posting!
    • treefrog
      You within a couple blocks of my place and you sure capture it! Well Done!

    • trainsignguy
      Thanks guys. My wife is from Harrisonville so I had to include it in my layout. In my mind at least, this scene really defines this location as Harrisonville.
    • railroadpete
      Excellent modelling! I've driven under those in Hville many times! It's hard to imagine that Mopac ran a couple trains through there that had Pullmans back in the day!
    • cnwtrainman
      I believe they call this Commercial Street now. There were three trestles at one time but the middle trestle is gone. What railroad was the middle bridge? I live in Peculiar my in laws are in Harisonville so I drive under those trestles many times.
    • sndman1964
      @cnwtrainman Well, the MoPac, the Frisco, and the Katy ran into Harrisonville, so it has to be one of those roads. I use to live in P Hill, and grew up in LS.
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