

mountaincreekar, Mar 20, 2019
Karl Stevenson likes this.
    • Karl Stevenson
      Ft. Leonard Wood line?
    • mountaincreekar



      This is all I got on Fort L-Wood railroad branch.
      If you find more, MPs, etc. please share.

      Army Satellite View and Topo map labeled with the
      Fort Leonard Wood Railways;
      Branch Route:

      37°50'32.2"N 92°04'01.8"W
      Big Piney River

      DODX - Temporal Road Trestle
      Pulaski County, Missouri
      37°49'46.1"N 92°03'03.9"W
      Title: USAX GP40-2 4654
      Photo Date: 2/2/2011 Upload Date: 2/2/2011 6:56:52 PM
      Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO
      Author: Kent Held
      Locomotives: USAX 4654(GP40-2)


      Pictures of USAX 4606
      U.S. Army Fort Wood
      Title: USAX 4606
      Description: At the Engine house at Ft. Lost-in-the woods, two Former Illinois Central Gulf GP10's bask in the morning sunlight, awaiting their call to duty switching cars of Military Equipment around the base.
      Photo Date: 6/14/2006
      Built: 8/1951
      Location: Rolla, MO
      Author: Jim Tiroch
      Locomotives: USAX 4606(GP10)
      Title: USAX GP10 4607
      Photo Date: 2/2/2011
      Location: Fort Leonard Wood, MO
      Author: Kent Held
      Locomotives: USAX 4607(GP10)

      Way back in history there may have been other row s
      south of the Gasconade River?

      If so, perhaps those ghost rail row s can be seen?
      someone at may know.

      older locomotive army had at other locations;
      Title: USAX B-2069 (MRS-1)
      Owner: United States Army
      Model: Alco MRS-1 Built As: USAX B2069 (MRS-1)
      Serial Number: 80385 Order No:
      Frame Number: GE # 31624 Built: 9/1953
      Notes: At St Louis County Museum Of Transportation
      Location: Kirkwood, MO
      Author: Sam Botts

      [​IMG].and assume many others
      types too at other location.
      Owner: United States Army
      Model: Whitcomb 44 Tonner Built As: STLO 2 (44 Tonner)
      Serial Number: 60120 Order No:
      Frame Number: Built: 0/1941
      Notes: 44DE22, blt 1941 as St Louis Ordinance 2
      USAX 0106 (44 Tonner)
      Photo Date: 6/19/2004
      Location: Green Bay, WI
      Author: Joe Hughes


      Army Satellite View and Topo map labeled with the
      Fort Leonard Wood Railroad
      Branch Route:


    • mountaincreekar

      Fort Leonard Wood, MO has a 4654 as pictured

    • Karl Stevenson
      Well i was there back about 2004 visiting a friend who was in the army reserve and attending the chem warfare school for training. Have some pics of locomotives there at the time.

      Of course i am partial to USAF locomotives being retired USAF myself. But its all good.

      The Ft. Leonard Wood line is quite interesting in its length and route just to get to the post. Something like 19.5 miles or so from where it branched off the old Frisco main. A few sidings along the route and the trestles of course and thats about it. Just built to serve the army base so no industries or anything along the branch between the Frisco main and the base trackage.

      Most of the air force bases have abandoned and removed much or all of their track. Tinker AFB in Midwest City, Oklahoma had some extensive trackage as well as an engine house but the majority of trackage was removed, the engine house is long gone and what little track is left is idle. No locomotives or rolling stock on the base. When i first arrived there in 1993 they were in the process of pulling track and the locomotives were gone and there were just a couple of boxcars left that they were either going to relocate or were scrapping on site. Didn't have alot of opportunity to check it out just arriving there for my next duty base in Sep 1993 and by December i was deployed for 6 months so by the time i got back in June of 1994 what had been left was by then mostly gone.
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