Northview & Frisco live steam

Discussion in 'Other Scales' started by fireball_magee, Nov 3, 2019.

  1. Just found on Facebook and then YouTube, the Northview&Frisco. Live steam private layout down by Springfield Mo.

    it’s a heck of a little set up.

    who else here does live steam? I am about to make the leap once a new house is designed ( our move to Kansas City is being planned, so this is a ways out still)
  2. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    The Northview & Frisco is owned by our own James Pekarek (@JamesP).
  3. I just noticed he was a member right after I posted

    he is an inspiration
  4. Steamnut

    Steamnut cinder sniffer

    I do. You can search for some of my items here.
    I'm attaching a picture of a 1/8th scale Airslide hopper that I'm almost done with...

    Attached Files:

  5. klrwhizkid

    klrwhizkid Administrator Staff Member Administrator Supporter

    Here are pictures from the Northview & Frisco that I took on a visit back in 2009. That's Jim in the photos.

    . IMG_2259.JPG IMG_2260.JPG IMG_2261.JPG IMG_2262.JPG IMG_2263.JPG IMG_2264.JPG IMG_2265.JPG IMG_2267.JPG IMG_2276.JPG IMG_2268.JPG

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